AISS 2019

Duisburg, 17 May 2019


Opening: O. el Moctar/D. Schramm, University of Duisburg-Essen, NN: Ministry of transport NRW

D. Schramm: Automotive autonomous and assisted driving – Status and Challenges, University of Duisburg-Essen (pdf)

A. Lutz: Trackpilot: First step toward autonomous sailing – case study and recent developments, Argonics (pdf)

M. Kosch, D. Abel, R. Zweigel: Full-automatic river ferry: A concept overview, RWTH Aachen University (pdf)

R. Ziebold1, A. Heßelbarth1, R. Raulefs1, M. Wirsing1, M. Sandler2, A. Lutz3, A. Lachmayer3, M. Hoppe4, T. Dettmann5, J. Zimmermann6, J. Alberding7, M. Uhlemann7: Towards an automatic entering of inland waterway locks, 1DLR, 2Innovative Navigation, 3Argonics, 4WSV Verkehrtstechnik, 5BAW, 6Weatherdock, 7Alberding (pdf)

S. Helling, M. Lutz, T. Meurer: Autonomous docking of marine vessels in constrained environments, Kiel University (pdf)

C. Schyr: Validation of highly automated systems for inland vessels in a virtual test field, AVL Germany (pdf)

S. Feuerstack1, A. Hahn2: Validation and verification of assistant systems and highly automated ships, 1OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, 2University of Oldenburg

G. Chillcce, O. el Moctar: Mathematical models for manoeuvring of inland vessels, University of Duisburg-Essen (pdf)

P. Potgraven: Approach of the ministry of transport, infrastructure and watermanagement for smart shipping in the Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement (pdf)

A. Colling: The vessel train – Platooning on short seas and inland waterways, TU Delft (pdf)

J. Merenluoto: One sea – Steps towards autonomous maritime transport systems, DIMECC (pdf)

C. Kooij: Towards unmanned cargo ships: The effects of automating navigational tasks on crew levels, TU Delft

S. Feldmann: Generative design of computer generated imagery scenarios for advanced training of neutral network algorithms, Hochschule Aalen

O. Hamann, A. Kortenjann : Competence Centre for Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Rhein-Ruhr: Ruhr IHK (pdf)

Closing: D. Abel, RWTH Aachen University, O. el Moctar, University of Duisburg-Essen